The course is normally sold for £400.00 . In November 2024, some of our incredible alumni and sponsors have come together and provide a “scholarship fund” so that we can help more people get access to these essential insights, and foundations.
As a result, you’re welcome to pay more if you are able.
We will keep the price at £250.00 while we can to help as many people as possible, and this also helps us cover the actual costs of delivering the program including the live Q&A sessions and other work we need to do to make sure we help you get real results with the course.
And yes, £250.00 is a bargain for this amount of value and information, and even £400.00 was pricing the course less than we really know it’s worth. One of the principles of the Real Circularity Academy is to meet people where there at, and we know not everyone can afford to invest £2,000 or £5,000 on an online course.
We also are committed to building a thriving ecosystem in our alumni network, and we really do believe in the principles of collaboration. We hope you will get great value, love our work and become a raving fan and help us spread the word.
So.. Once you’ve done the course, we’ve love you to give us a testimonial and help spread the word fair enough?